Primare R15 Black

1.099,00 €
Το R15 είναι ο πιο εξελιγμένος και ικανός προενισχυτής MM / MC phono, παρέχοντας την ιδανική διεπαφή μεταξύ της εξόδου χαμηλού επιπέδου μιας κεφαλής κινούμενου μαγνήτη ή κινούμενου πηνίου και των εισόδων επιπέδου γραμμής του συστήματος hi-fi Βραβευμένος από την EISA για το 2020-2021


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EISA PHONO PREAMP 2020-2021 Primare R15

“It’s the ideal interface between a high-quality record player and the line input of your amplifier.”

We are pleased to announce that, for the third year in a row, one of our new models have been honoured with a prestigious EISA award. It is satisfying to note that the EISA Hi-Fi panel not only recognised the R15 MM/MC Phono Preamp for its superior performance, but also acknowledged the flagship R35 on which its circuit design is based, identifying in each Primare’s signature sound as a “mix of weight and substance allied to detail and resolution.”


Primare R15 MM/MC phono preamplifier technology inside


R15 MM/MC phono preamp is designed to amplify with honest fidelity the delicate signal from any cartridge it is paired with.

Although housed in our compact three-quarter sized 15 series cabinetry, the same care and craft that informs the design of the larger and somewhat more capable R35 MM/MC phono preamplifier has informed the design of the R15, allowing all circuits to work sympathetically together for superior sound and greater fidelity. With sufficient gain to amplify the signal from virtually any moving magnet or moving coil phono cartridge, and very flexible input adjustment allows for ideal system matching.

The look and feel of Scandinavia

We believe that every aspect of our products – the way they look, the satisfying feel of the controls – contributes to the overall experience of living with Primare. As a result, Primare products exude the hallmarks of Scandinavian design – simple, elegant designs, with approachable and easy to understand functionality.
An example of this is the standby button discretely placed within the Primare logo on the faceplate of our R15, R35 and A35.2 models – or as we say lagom, not too much not too little, everything in balance, proportion, and harmony.

Primare R15 MM/MC phono preamplifier front black
Primare System Building CD15 I15 R15

System Building

With the 15 Series, we offer a carefully considered array of models in order to allow for the best selection to fit any of your system needs. For example, the ultimate 15 Series system might be the DD15 CD transport, SC15 Prisma preamplifier and network player, I15 analog integrated amplifier, and R15 MM/MC phono preamplifier, allowing for the best performance, analog or digital, with the greatest number of connection options. However, there may be no need for additional digital inputs, MC phono preamplification may not be requirement, or simply to address budget or size considerations, a system composed of CD15 Prisma CD and network player with an I15 MM integrated amplifier with MM15 MM phono module installed could be assembled. This compact and reasonably priced system provides multiple analog source playback, including vinyl disc, as well as digital disc, stored or streamed media playback, with remarkable power, control, and connection flexibility.

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