Primare R35 black

1.639,00 €
R35 - Προενισχυτής MM / MC phono Το R35 είναι ο πιο εξελιγμένος και ικανός προενισχυτής MM / MC phono, παρέχοντας την ιδανική διεπαφή μεταξύ της εξόδου χαμηλού επιπέδου μιας κεφαλής κινούμενου μαγνήτη ή κινούμενου πηνίου και των εισόδων επιπέδου γραμμής του συστήματος hi-fi, είτε RCA είτε XLR.


Οι τιμές των δόσεων είναι ενδεικτικές! Οι πραγματικές θα εμφανιστούν κατά την πληρωμή με πιστωτική κάρτα!.



R35 MM/MC phono preamp is designed to amplify with honest fidelity the delicate signal from even the lowest output phono cartridge.

The design has been carefully crafted so that all components work sympathetically together, including a fully isolated power supply, allowing the highly sensitive signal components to functiion in a noise free environement for superior performance, resulting in cleaner sound and greater fidelity. R35 features adjustable gain to amplify the signal from virtually any moving magnet or moving coil phono cartridge, and a very wide range of input adjustments allowing for ideal cartridge and system matching.

The look and feel of Scandinavia

We believe that every aspect of our products – the way they look, the satisfying feel of the controls – contributes to the overall experience of living with Primare. As a result, Primare products exude the hallmarks of Scandinavian design – simple, elegant designs, with approachable and easy to understand functionality.
An example of this is the standby button discretely placed within the Primare logo on the faceplate of our R15, R35 and A35.2 models – or as we say lagom, not too much not too little, everything in balance, proportion, and harmony.

Primare R35 MM/MC phono preamplifier front black
Primare System Building PRE35 R35 DD35 A35


Modular Design and System Building

We feel it is essential to offer modularity whenever possible in order to have just the right features, both now and for the future. Modular design is featured in the I25 and I35 modular integrated amplifiers, as well as the PRE35 modular preamplifier, all of which can be updated with DAC and Prisma modules, as well as the CD35 CD player that can have the Prisma module added, either at the time of purchase or at a later date. As a result, we are able to offer a carefully considered array of models and configurations in order to allow for device selection that best fits any system need. For example, a CD35 with Prisma module installed can be paired with an I35 integrated amplifier, allowing for a separation of analog and digital stages. Or, an I35 with DAC and Prisma modules installed can be paired with a DD35 CD transport, allowing for multi-room and multi-zone playback of every input, whether analog or digital source.

And while not modular, the R35 can be added to any of those systems to include high performance playback of vinyl records.




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